In the social entrepreneurship sphere, everybody talks about community building and community empowerment. But what exactly is community and what makes it so desirable? Digital technologies have shattered the concept of community and are building it up again in all kinds of shapes. In this episode, we explore how community is being reinvented and how it can engender political and economic justice.
With the participation of:
Johannes Moeller, founder of Edventure, a school for community enterprise in Frome, UK
Stephanie Akkaoui Hughes, founder of AKKA Architects
Amis Boersma, project facilitator and life coach, Art of Hosting practitioner
Brint, Steve “Gemeinschaft Revisited: A Critique and Reconstruction of the Community Concept”, Sociological Theory 19, March 2001
Tracey, Paul ; Phillips, Nelson ; Haugh, Helen “Beyond Philanthropy: Community Enterprise as a Basis for Corporate Citizenship”, Journal of Business Ethics 58.4, June 2005
Read here about the Swiss village that refused its quota of refugees
Sherwood Energy Village, a case study in community renewal
Douglas Coupland’s quote “Your sense of community is something you visit at 11:30pm on a website” comes from his collaborative book “The Age of Earthquakes – a guide to the extreme present”
Here’s an article about grassroots activism and the water ownership referendum in Italy