Helping to build a more inclusive society is something that all third sector organizations aim at. Inclusion is a complex notion, but one thing is very clear: employment is a key ingredient. There is a kind of organization that springs from this very idea: the WISE (Work Integration Social Enterprise). Providing disadvantaged populations with work opportunities is the mission of WISEs. They come in all shapes and sizes across Europe, reflecting each country’s culture, history and politics. What can be learned from this variety of European experiments? In this special episode, co-produced by A3S, we walk the WISE path to inclusion.
With the participation of:
Jon Pitt, founder of MiEnterprise (U.K.), a marketing cooperative for entrepreneurs with learning disabilities
Carlota Quintão, sociologist and member of A3S (Portugal), a non-profit association working with and for the social and solidarity economy sector
Thomas Rihl, managing director of Job-TransFair (Austria), an organization assisting disadvantaged people in finding the right job
Monia Babini, mediation operator at SIIL (Italy), a service of targeted employment for disabled and disadvantaged people
« STRENGTHENING EMERGENT PROFESSIONAL PROFILES IN THE THIRD SECTOR ». Click here to access the outputs of the European study (out in October 2016) on which this episode was largely based, including the training packages for Job Coaching and Marketing in WISEs.