Social Entrepreneurship is about achieving social goals, often with innovative means. The identity of social enterprises and third sector organizations springs from what they do. But what are they? How do they look like from the inside? In this episode, we explore different approaches to governance, questioning how true democracy can be achieved inside organizations and on a broader level. Continue reading Ep. 06 – Governance, Ownership, Participation→
All social entrepreneurship projects share one underlying characteristic: hybridity. Pursuing social goals with business means in order to maximize impact and sustainability, or doing business in a socially responsible manner in order to increase the reputation of a company and engage talented employees, there are different mixes and combinations along what is sometimes called the hybrid spectrum. This episode examines a few hybrid organizations and strategies, looking at the opportunities, and dangers, of “the hybrid spirit”.
Ep. 01 - The Archeology of Social Entrepreneurship
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Social entrepreneurship is a relatively new term, but the practice itself has century-old roots. In this episode, we explore those roots within the larger field of European social economy.
This is the first episode of our 6-episode series. Enjoy!